
Dashboard for admin

Can I customize the view of my dashboard?
Yes, you can customize your dashboard view. You can enable/disable modules based on your choice.  It is worth noting that the Dotbooker Dashboard has a ...
Wed, 15 Dec, 2021 at 12:48 AM
Will my team see the same widgets as I do? How do I customize my employee’s dashboards?
Admin can decide the rights assigned to the employees from his dashboard. The admin can assign rights to the employees like view, add, edit, delete, and pub...
Wed, 15 Dec, 2021 at 12:50 AM
What does a Sales Overview Chart mean?
The Sales Overview Chart showcases the overall sales details of your brand in the form of a line chart. You can filter the chart based on month and year fro...
Fri, 17 Dec, 2021 at 12:38 AM
How does Leaderboard work?
From Leaderboard, you can see the number of bookings available with each instructor. 
Fri, 17 Dec, 2021 at 12:39 AM
What is the purpose of “Privacy Toggle” in the dashboard?
“Privacy Toggle” is a helpful feature that protects your dashboard from unauthorized viewing. By using the “Privacy Toggle” feature, the system hides al...
Fri, 17 Dec, 2021 at 12:39 AM
Does the dashboard update in real-time?
Ideally speaking, the dashboard and available widget data update themselves every 20 mins.  In the case of any manual refresh, data will be updated imme...
Mon, 6 Dec, 2021 at 9:02 AM
How do I filter my reports datewise in the dashboard?
We have given a date filter in the dashboard. Using that date filter, you can select the date range of your choice. The dashboard will automatically update ...
Mon, 6 Dec, 2021 at 9:02 AM